Foreign Investment
Providing foreign investment advisory has been our forte over the years of providing consultancy services. Our services range from pre-approval phase well into its operation phase. The nature of services provided are:
Pre Establishment Services
- Advisory for cost estimation for bidding
- Negotiation and coordination with potential clients/government authorities on behalf of proposed entity
- Proposal for projection of financial data/information
- Advise on direct, indirect taxes
- Advise on corporate laws and related laws affecting FDI
- Approval from government agencies
- Approval from Department of Industries (DOI/FIPB/IBN)
- Incorporation in Office of Company Registrar
- Registration in Inland Revenue Office
- Registration in the DOI as an industry
- Approval from Nepal Rastra Bank
- Deregistration from PAN/VAT along with tax clearance
- Liquidation
Contact us today to let us know on how we can address your requirement.